*Colonial New England* VIRTUAL SHERRY 12/13/20

   ¡¡HOLA, ALL!!

Please join the Colonial New England Bailliage of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs 

for a terrific Spanish event on 

Sunday, Dec. 13, 1:00 p.m. 

Hosted by Mark Cordano, Vice Echanson and Sandy Kraft, Bailli

Did you know that there is a Sherry to go with every type of food?  

This delicious and versatile group of wines is too often overlooked or just used in cooking.  

Join us as we taste and learn more about this delectable beverage.

This will be a Zoom event “tutored” live from Europe, by Annie Manson, a Chef and an expert in authentic Jerez Sherries. 

We will be tasting Six Sherries

accompanied by a delicious platter of Spanish munchies 

sent to us from the fabulous Formaggio Kitchens in Cambridge.

Here’s how it will work:

We will be creating for you a kit of a small bottle of each of the six Sherries, marked as to the type and maker. 

Each small bottle is enough for 2 people for the tasting.  

The kit will consist of one tasting-sized bottle each of:



Amontillado (unsweetened)

Oloroso (unsweetened)



which we will taste in that order with Commentary by Annie about each as we munch and chat with her.

You will pick up your kit and your goodies platter (enough food for lunch and dessert for two, by the way) 

from Sandy Kraft ‘s house in Weston the DAY BEFORE (Saturday, Dec. 12), after noon.

During the tasting, Annie will also regale us with photos and stories from Bodegas and from her area of Spain.

Suggestion:  in addition to the food that you will receive from us, make something with Asparagus or Artichokes.  

These two foods are notoriously difficult to pair with wine, but you will see that there is a perfect Sherry to pair with either of these.

This event might give you some fun ideas for a Holiday party!


The price for the event is $60 per person.  Please use the Reservation form, below.

NOTE: the deadline for receipt of your checks is Friday, November 30, because we need time to order enough wine for you. 

We’d appreciate a yes or no reply much sooner than that.  Thanks.

Attire:  Casual, but wear your ribbons for a quick photo prior to the start of the Tasting.

We will send the Zoom link to each of the participants a few days before the event.

Please send your checks with the Reservation form to

Sandra Kraft

60 Scotch Pine Road

Weston, MA 02493


Reservation Form For The Spanish Event from Colonial New England


                                                  Enclosed is my check for _____ people, @ $60 per person, payable to Colonial New England Chaîne, for a total of $ _____________

                                                  Member(s) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                  Guest(s) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                  Food Allergy (what and who) _______________________________________________________________________________________


                                                  Contact Info: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


We look forward to tasting with you!

Mark and Sandy

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